Will Boehner's Head Explode?


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Watching "The State Of The Union" address and had to look away and just listen.
John Boehner looks like a sore loser, "dick".
I'm sorry if that word "dick" is offensive, but I couldn't come up with anything more fitting?
I would say the same thing if it were Biden in that seat acting that way, so don't go there.
I'm talking about the mood of the room.
Is it synonymous of all that is wrong with this country?
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My comment is that you seemed surprised that the Presidents party stands up and applauds while the other party sits on their hands.
Happens every year.


Do you consider this to be a good thing?
Do you think their hands are cold, or does their butt itch?
Is there a handbook that details the decorum for such an event?
Do you think yellow is a masculine color?



Strength through joy
Here’s the breakdown from tonight’s SOTU:
“I” 50 times.

“My” 11 times.

“Me” 8 times.

“Me” 3 times (including one “let me be clear”).

“As president” 2 times.


Well-Known Member
This was the first time in several years that I watched it, still the same old stuff. Mostly generalities that anyone would agree with. I want more jobs, everyone should have healthcare, etc, etc. The problem is the implementation of the ideas.

I did like the joke about kids calling their mothers.


golden ticket member