Your most embarrasing or funny moment while on the job.


I was out as a helper during last Christmas season, and the driver I was out with went in the back of the car to pee, he ripped a really loud fart, but ended up (soiling) himself. I heard PPPPPFFFFFTTTTTT, OHHH NOOOOO!!! So he called his sister to bring him new pants and skivies. It was pretty funny. Needless to say I declined to drive when he asked me to...
We call that a shart here. "aww man, I shart myself". :laughing:


Was covering a semi-rural route, and looking for an address on a long road. I must have driven 30 miles looking for this address. I turned up dirt roads that went nowhere, just to turn back and keep looking. I finally find the address and drive about a mile up the dirt road to the house. I park and open my bulkhead door to find my rear door is wide open. It must have opened as I was on those bumpy dirt roads. I notice my handcart is missing, but see that I haven't lost any packages. I'm just going by the way it looks, as this was before edd.

After I make the delivery, I pull the rear door down and chain it shut. I then set out on a quest for my handcart. I drove up and down everywhere I had been, thinking I'd never really find the cart. It could have even fallen in the main roadway, for all I knew. Finally I turn down this rugged dirt road and see my handcart laying there, like a lost little puppy. I quickly retrieve it and get back on my way.

I must have put an extra 75 miles of driving in on that day.:happy2:


Happy happy joy joy!
Well, here's an embarrassing/funny moment for you all...

One a *very* slow night, I was bored, so I decided to screw around with my buddy's radio. I was fiddling around, trying to find a decent station that played good music.

So, after about a minute or so, I find the Classic Rock station here, Q107, and apparently they started playing "Jungle Love" by The Steve Miller Band. Now, I crank it up, just getting my groove on in the 30C heat of the trailer, just enjoying myself, so while loading, I start dancing. Small gyrations at first, but pretty soon it turned into full-blown dancing.

My supervisor, the building manager and the Senior VP of Operations (whom was visiting our hub at the time) stopped for a minute, watching me just dance around, scan and stack boxes and sing along to the sounds of Steve Miller. When the song was done, I swung around, stopped, struck the John Travolta "Saturday Night Fever" pose, and and jumped back when I saw all three of them staring at me.

I thought for a second "oh, crap...", until the Senior VP asked me, jokingly "trying out for Dancing with the Stars, or are you just excited for the weekend?"

That, my comrades, is my funny story.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I had a similar situation out on route once, I had parked under a tree in the shade to sort and line up the rest of my stops. I had my radio on and they played two classic 70's songs that I like...."Brandy, you're a fine girl" by Looking Glass and "Dreamweaver" by Gary Wright. I had nailed the entire "Brandy" song, and I was really belting out "Dreamweaver" in a hideous falsetto, making sure to emphasize the reverb echo, when I became aware of a customer standing at the door wanting to ask me if I had a package for him. I think he had been there for at least 5 minutes listening to me butcher fine music, and he was trying really hard not to laugh. I truly wanted to die at that moment.:whiteflag:



I had a similar situation out on route once, I had parked under a tree in the shade to sort and line up the rest of my stops. I had my radio on and they played two classic 70's songs that I like...."Brandy, you're a fine girl" by Looking Glass and "Dreamweaver" by Gary Wright. I had nailed the entire "Brandy" song, and I was really belting out "Dreamweaver" in a hideous falsetto, making sure to emphasize the reverb echo, when I became aware of a customer standing at the door wanting to ask me if I had a package for him. I think he had been there for at least 5 minutes listening to me butcher fine music, and he was trying really hard not to laugh. I truly wanted to die at that moment.:whiteflag:

Oh, you know you thought you were a star while you were belting it out. :laughing:
Would loved to have heard that without the background music.


Well-Known Member
First a little about me... I come from the Shenandoah Valley. That is about as country as Virginia gets. Most of my life it was farms, and dirt roads. I left that to work for my uncle for 10 years until I ended up in Northern VA. ( the metropolis of D.C. ) Then got a job with UPS. My route has me delivering to a neighborhood of folks with a lot of extra money. It was late one peak season and I was walking up a driveway looking at this garage full of luxury cars. There were six bays that housed exotic after exotic...Lamborghini's, Ferrari's, etc. The last bay had a giant hot tub that all I could see was arms splashing about. I thought "Oh my God, that guy is drowning." I dropped the package and ran over to the hot tub grabbed the man and pulled him out to the safety of the floor. He was shocked/startled and screamed "What are you doing?" To which I proudly stated "I was saving your life pal. I saw you splashing trying to swim to the side of your hot tub with your head under water. So I raced up and jerked you out before you died." Immediately he started to laugh...hard, and loud. He then explained that all I manage to do was save him from his exercise. This "hot tub" was something called a endless spa that shoots water at you so you can swim laps while never moving. Embarrassed, and intrigued I left.


I think I'm going to change my name to LiL"Flirt" instead of LiL"Comet"!! LOL

That's so funny if you guys only new what those post started over with me and Red it would take all the fun out of this. So I defiantly cant tell now??????????:wink2:
:happy-very: Just keep us wondering. Sometimes knowing there is a mystery is more fun. :wink2:


Learning the system
Wow, this thread is absolutely hilarious! Makes me feel better about the times I've slipped and fallen in front of customers or stupid stuff like that.

One time I'm in a college apartment complex and this package doesn't have a number on it, so I call the number on the box. Girl answers and I tell her I'm with UPS and I have a pkg for her, need her apartment etc. She won't tell me the number and keeps going "who is this?! is this Dave!? I think this is Dave!" and after arguing with her for about 2 minutes, and getting pissed off because she doesn't believe me, I hung up on her, I'll let the clerks deal with it.

So I go about my delivering, there's another 10 stops or so in this complex, and during that time she calls me back and she's like, "alright I'm in 3231 but I still don't believe this is UPS". So I drive over about 5 minutes later and do the police pounding knock, only to have the door opened by 4 extremely hot girls, all laughing their fool heads off. Her response about not believing me was because I sounded young (I'm 23) and they figured a UPS guy wouldn't be so young. I was pissed off at the time, but looking back it was pretty funny haha.

Another funny thing that happens all the time is, go up to a house, DR package into a persons hand, walk back to the truck, putting seatbelt on about to drive away and the customer is still standing in their doorway and they say, "I don't have to sign anything?!" HELLO! Are you brain damaged? Why on earth would I have walked all the way back to my truck and act like I'm going to drive away if you still had to SIGN for it?! Stupid people.