Your Next president


Well-Known Member
Yep, the better you do, the more you are penalized.

That's why it's called a progressive income tax. The more you progress, the more they regress you with taxes!

Seems like from what I'm hearing that Super Tuesday is coming up surprises in some areas. I think people are starting to lie to exit polls, etc. and I think that's a good thing. I being on the east coast would refuse to answer because I don't want my results posted by the networks 3 hours before the west coast polls close and that result persued someone to either not vote at all or change their vote to something else other than what they planned because of what east coasters did. I believe all polling and result data should not post up until all polls have closed including Hawaii and Alaska but that's pipe dreaming.
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golden ticket member
wkmac.....I don't know for sure what they were doing on FOX (cause I was channel surfing), but they did a countdown to zero before announcing that Hillary won N.Y......doesn't that mean they were waiting for the polls to close 9 PM N.Y. time ?? It was 6 PM CA. time when I saw that.


golden ticket member
Oops, that reminds me.......the night of the SAG awards I'm getting all comfy to watch the first awards show (writer's strike messed up others) and I happened to glance at my Yahoo Home Page and the winners were there in print.

That's the one & only disadvantage of being on the Best Coast.


Well-Known Member
wkmac.....I don't know for sure what they were doing on FOX (cause I was channel surfing), but they did a countdown to zero before announcing that Hillary won N.Y......doesn't that mean they were waiting for the polls to close 9 PM N.Y. time ?? It was 6 PM CA. time when I saw that.

I thought your polls closed at 7 pm on the west coast, am I right or wrong in understanding that? All the talk around here is Huckabee and his wins and how this effects Romney. The media is saying the Huck's win was from the Christian vote but from what I'm hearing that faction was fairly evenly split among Mac, Huck and Rom. What is being said off media is in Georgia and maybe Alabama, it could have been the Fairtax. It is strong around here but can't say one way or the other. Seems interesting if it is the case.

You know back in the fall, McCain was all but dead, Rudy was unbeatable, Huckabee was almost considered 3rd tier and Thompson who had just entered was about to be the Conservative White Knight. 6 plus months later, McCain is the bigdog, Rudy and Fred are gone and some speculate Huckabee is positioning for the VP with Big Mac. It's amazing how quick things turn and in the case of Fred Thompson, when he announced, I thought it was all over even though I didn't support the guy. Just thought he'd steamroll the conservative/christian base to the front of the pack.

As for the democrats, Hillary seemed all but crowned and then Obama started to emerge. I thought Edwards would be the one to grab the hardcore democrat base to threaten Hill but Obama has played a master game of politics to run this thing down to the wire.

Barring some revelation of unknown, McCain is the guy on the repub. side but the democrats is a whole other story. Look like a 15 round title fight with a judges decision at the convention. Boy will that be fun to watch as all the special interest groups that make up the core of the party base position to get their candidate in. What will emerge as bodies are flung under the bus and sacrificed on the alter of political advantage. Keep an open ear folks as the dirty laundry will come out when we get to that point.


golden ticket member
With Obama & Hillary, I don't think the "love fest" will continue. It's getting close to where the gloves come off. That will be interesting to see which one handles the pressure and maintains their composure. I keep waiting for the big faux pax (sp?) . At least we get some excitement with these political races.


Well-Known Member
With Obama & Hillary, I don't think the "love fest" will continue. It's getting close to where the gloves come off. That will be interesting to see which one handles the pressure and maintains their composure. I keep waiting for the big faux pax (sp?) . At least we get some excitement with these political races.

Obama has already cried foul of the so-called "dirty politics" of the Clinton machine so this thing is far from over and the closer to convention and the tighter this all remains, you can better the dirty will come out in full force. Even under breath charges of racism are rolling around so this thing at a moment could go nuclear. The democrats have a wonderful chance to mop up but instead may destroy one another as the pinnicle of power in more important than principle. Something the republicans paid for with their own abuses once they had everything in hand!

Of course, I love it all and relish in it!



Staff member
Looks like we know who the republican nominee will be:

Romney's out

I'm actually a little curious to see if Miss Coulter sticks to her guns, but aside from that I think McCain was the best of the bunch.
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Well-Known Member
I'm actually a little curious to see if Miss Coulter sticks to her guns, but aside from that I think McCain was the best of the bunch.

She and the rest don't have the principle or the guts to do something different other than to fall in line and vote the party. However, I do hope they keep talking the talk because for the last 20 plus years when I've voted 3rd party or write in, all I heard was about throwing my vote away from these type people. And guess what they are saying today?

You damn well bet I'm gonna get my kicks in!

Not really, but I have had some people tell me they know now how I feel so I just pat them on the back, tell them to read and learn all they can on every issue and then vote where ever they consious tell's them too!

As long as it's not democrat or republican!

Found it interesting that Howard Dean plans a sitdown pow wow with Clinton/Obama in April if their side hasn't cleared up to avoid a contenious convention in Denver. If you start looking at the pure number of votes so far, the dems are ahead of the republicans and with McCain dividing the "so-called" conservatives, if that holds, it's Hill or Obe moving into the WH in Jan. 09'. Hill's back is to the wall and she's short on money now and Obe is swimming in it!

Now's is down to who is the VP. McCain will need a bonifide conservative to salvage any hopes of rallying what there is of "limited gov't" conservatives in the ranks but the problem is, the party has none. Something tell's me to watch for a Newt grand entrance!


Well-Known Member
Bet you didn't see that coming!

Oh Yes I Did!:happy-very:

Now watch Annie "Six Gun" Coulter also join the fray of cool-aid drinkers!

Saw this morning where George "HW" Bush endorsed McCain. That's like announcing to the world that you pick the NY Giants to beat the Pats in the Super Bowl 5 minutes after the game is over IMO.


golden ticket member
Good thing you put a "wink" after your statement because you sure don't want to get me started !!!

See everyone, the "smilies" are very important and express the tone for a statement.

I know D was just pulling my leg.....but with my old age I could get spasms and that old leg will start a -kickin". Look out !! :wink2:


Well-Known Member
Good thing you put a "wink" after your statement because you sure don't want to get me started !!!

See everyone, the "smilies" are very important and express the tone for a statement.

I know D was just pulling my leg.....but with my old age I could get spasms and that old leg will start a -kickin". Look out !! :wink2:

LOL...I know better to put a wink when it comes to gender bashing.
Anyhow....about the leg, I know how you feel.....I can't stop my leg niether !


golden ticket member
Good one, D !! I used to watch Robert Klein whenever I could catch him on TV.

Member of Second City in '65
Saw the Carnegie Hall special in '73
He hosted S.N.L. a few times (back when It was a good show)
He was in the first "Cheeseburger" sketch with Belushi & Akroyd on SNL

Thanks for the memories!!


Well-Known Member
Ann Coulter might of had a point as far as women shouldn't vote....:wink2:

Hey Diesel,

Not that this is about Ann Coulter but here's a link to an interview with Daniel Ellsberg (Pentagon Papers fame). Good interview with several comedic moments IMO. Found it interesting at the end where he mentions his daily reading includes which is a libertarian/antistate website favorite of mine. Seems the lines are really blurring more and more among those opposed to imperical advances and interventionists foreign policy with regard to socalled right/left politics.

Hope you enjoy the interview.


Staff member
Interesting interview, with some insightful observations from a guy who's seen this all before:
"The media and the Congress are afraid to be called weak and appeasers so they just go along, and that's been true ever since 9-11. But the fear of being called names is nothing new. It was the fear of being called names among the Democrats that kept us in Vietnam. An awful lot of people have died because a few people have been afraid to be called names."

I also liked the Chinese proverb he quoted:
"If you don't change course, you'll end up where you're heading."
Imagine that :wink2:


Well-Known Member

Antiwar Radio out of Austin Texas with Scott Horton interviewed Ellsberg along with Christopher Deliso yesterday (2/22/08) on many subjects (Balkans) including the issue of Sibel Edmonds and her whistle blowing about nuke technology transfers. If you need background see the Dark Shadows thread.

The interview is about 50 minutes long but well worth the listen IMO.