They tell it like it is many don't want to hear reality some it even makes angry but when listening to honest hard working men that are as passionate for what they are doing it makes you stop and think. We have long been bullied ,we have had benifits cut by the teamsters, and they let us know we work for them.If UPS made the cuts to us as the teamsters have the teamsters would lead us out on strike . What's the diff here! A union should be for and by its people and work for it's people not the other way around, not take care of some and heck with the others.the part-timers get taken care of only as a deal between the company union and a full-timer in trouble a bargaining tool or a trade off,not representation as it should be, When was the last time you called a high ranking teamster official? did they talk to you these guys starting the APWA will they care they want to see you prosper in your career, We alll agree that that the union problem goes alot further than the pension it goes through greed deceptions flat out lies, and corruption anyone who ever heard of the teamsters knows of the years of corruption they can't even get along between themselves it's time we say STOP