At UPS hub, touch a package, pay for college


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At UPS hub, touch a package, pay for college - Reuters

In the depths of what United Parcel Service calls its "Primary Matrix," not a soul stands alongside the intricate grid of belts 155 miles long conveying more than a million packages into and out of the hub here daily.

The 4,000-member crew whose job it is to bring order to this mass of packages does so by touching them just twice, once on their way in, and again on their way out.

Worldport raises automation to an eerie art, but the hub has a human side. It's also a sort of second dorm room for 1,800 students, who trade parties and the library alike for the rigors of the overnight shift here.

UPS not only pays them to do it, it pays their tuition, too, at local schools like the University of Louisville