For hourly employees the Union Provides the benefits, at least where I am. So UPS would be opening a big can of worms if it were posted on the web site, and the benefits do not match what UPS says it should.
Down here, most of the doctors quit accepting Aetna because Aetna would not pay the bills. That caused a big uproar in the working class ranks down here. Not only can they not get an answer as to what is covered, they now have to find a doctor who will accept the insurance that they are provided with. So the doctor that they felt comfortable with to treat their ailments and maintain their health for years is now turning them away and they have to go to someone who they don't even know.
Talk about screwy. I guess it is time to find a new insurance carrier or here is an idea, let the people choose who covers them. Wouldn't that be nice, then everyone will know what is covered.