Cadillac Tax


Active Member
When our health insurance was lowered to the current crap plans we have now,we were told that if we had better plans offered the company would be hit with the cadillac tax.
The Cadillac tax has never been enforced.The compqny has not had to pay it.I would love for someone from the benefits department to come around but I know that won't happen.
What are the odds we can get something better offered if we bitch about it enough.


Well-Known Member
Well she may be bigger than "that" but she sure as hell isn't smarter than "that" whatever"that" is. Easy to see why they don't let out in the public much anymore.


Well-Known Member
Old fart is senile and believes he lives in the 50's when it was ok to be derogatory to homosexuals.
Have to work with them but I don't have to accept their lifestyle in my personal life. It is condemned in the Bible, that is good enough for me. In 20 years will we be accepting people that practice beastiality?


Well-Known Member
Have to work with them but I don't have to accept their lifestyle in my personal life. It is condemned in the Bible, that is good enough for me. In 20 years will we be accepting people that practice beastiality?
And you'll be first in line to try it.