Columbia University students heckel Iraq war vet


Well-Known Member
Perhaps everyone posting in this thread can give their military experience before they step up to question the practices of someone who has served.

Shades of Heinlein's Starship Troopers!

Then again, Heinlein didn't have to go far to find a source for what his story was suggesting.

Be very careful with attitudes of exclusivity because they do have a way of going much afar into a nightmare scenario when the other shoe is allowed to drop!

BTW: The hecklers were dead wrong, The debate is over civilian policy at the highest levels and not about the average soldier. If the soldier made any mistake, it was only repeating the line given by the higher command thanks to civilan policy makers that in the opinion of many, has become more and more discredited. The hecklers could have easily made a counterpoint and still maintained all degree and manner of respect for the soldier as a individual person.

But take heart, in out completely friend'd up world we live in, those same mindless college grads will go on, you'll elect or appoint them to gov't to serve in your interests and then one day they'll secretly conspire and draw up invasion plans of yet another country who made the mistake of being born and living on top of our resources or otherwise just decide to live in their self interests rather than to the benefit of ours!


Well-Known Member
While I agree that they disrespected this man, please tell me why being a war hero qualifies you to be an expert on anything but killing people?

I think his opinion on the military is more valid than that of a latte sipping college student still worried about being on his mommy and daddies health insurance. The meeting was to debate should or should not the ROTC program come back to the University. I think as a former noncom at the very least he knows the benefits and also the negative parts of military service and the value of good versus bad leadership. You suggest his opinion at the most is only equal to that of his current colleagues. I say in fact his past experiences give his opinion more validity on this subject. If the townhall was which latte they should serve in the student union I might agree with you that those children may have more knowledge on that subject.


golden ticket member
Here's a clue for you. These sites just reported the story, and each probably has a bias. Do you actually think that the Huffington Post is going to have the same take on this story as FOX? One is biased toward the Left, and the other to the Right. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle.

insatiable fool??


Staff member
I'm confused (it don't take much to do that)-----are you saying there aren't bad guys plotting to kill you?

No. I'm saying the seargeant should know his audience and speak to them accordingly. They may not know battlefield tactics, but they might be well versed in geo-political trade agreements. They may not care about anything having to do with IED's and yet be fluent in Arabic. "Bad guys plotting to kill you," deserves being heckled as much as a dissertation by a Columbia student in Pakistan on the subtle implications of the Geneva Conventions with regard to battlefield tactics. I remember college well; alot of egos on all sides on campus.


Engorged Member
insatiable fool??

Your self-description? Apparently, you accept the FOX version of anything as fact. Several of the other sites have a different take. Many people view the Iraq War as a waste, and "Curveball" has admitted lying to the US regarding WMD's. So why were we even there? Once Bush knew there weren't any WMD's, he spun the war into "Democracy for Iraq". Oops.

Like I said, the sergeant deserves respect for what he did, but that doesn't mean we have to accept his version of the "facts". It's also a First Amendment right to heckle anyone you feel like heckling. BHO gets it all the time, and he's the POTUS.