Death of Fidel Castro


Well-Known Member
One dictator dies and soon another becomes in charge of the most powerful country in the world.

Go Buckeyes.

eff' Michigan.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns


Well-Known Member
Often wondered what the last 60 years of Cuban history, even Castro's history, would be like absent the covert meddling of the CIA and others on behalf of business and economic interests via political channels? Hard to say obviously but we'll never know as history never went down that path. Hope this begins a positive turning point for the Cuban people and one of the positive things Obama did IMO was to relax the wall built over the last 50 plus years between the US and Cuba. IMO such makes matters worse and not better.


Well-Known Member
I am a huge fan of the TV show "The Profit". They recently did an episode from Cuba. While things have changed there are still a number of obstacles that need to be removed before entrepreneurs will be able to take advantage of a relatively untapped market.

One of the segments was about a baker. The host (Marcus Lemonis) suggested that they try to franchise and was shocked when he was told that this was not an option. He was also surprised when he was told that it was hard to get even the most basic of ingredients----baker's chocolate was at a premium.

I agree that one of the highlights of the Obama years will be the normalization of relations w/Cuba.


The Corleone family must be ecstatic ,looks like they might get their casinos back.