This is a shout out to my fellow drivers, new and veterans, as a way of saying that I sympathize, and understand what you go through on a daily basis, and this post is a way of saying I understand your sacrifices, appreciate your service and hard work, and know that the money that comes with it doesn't in any way reflect your true worth, when it comes to the environment of mental games and abuse of authority that seems to be the culture you must accept as a driver-which I believe isn't necessary at all. I wholeheartedly believe that at least 97% of the adult men and women that is a full, part time, or cover driver shows up to be the best driver they can, and better than the day before, so they can make it as early as possible to their last stop, which is "home"..
However, it appears our manager and supervisors could care less about what our intentions are, as opposed to what our packages per hour say that we are. This is an unfair assessment of our capabilities due to the many challenges drivers face, and I believe in the best interest of the company, needs to be changed in order to improve performance, motivationally inspire, and boost morale.
When I first started ay UPS as a sorter, my goal was to become a driver.I was told it was a good paying job, with good benefits, and job security. However, I was never told at what cost these things would come at.
I used to walk by the trucks and imagine myself in them. It was always impressive to see people driving these trucks in my neighborhood, determined, focused, and always appearing to have a sense of urgency.However, I noticed one thing was always missing-a smile.
When I got my first call to become a driver, I was excited! Finally, my life was aligning with my goal. It required the ability to drive a stick, so I hired a guy to teach me to drive his stick. Well, the trucks were different than his car, and I failed my first driving test. It was devastating, but I didn't give up. I went out and bought me a used car for $2500 with manual transmission, to hopefully insure I passed the next time.It became my primary vehicle, and I was going to be ready, to be ready- to be ready!
So, another 3 month's I worked at sort and got the call for a second try. I got excited again, and this time- I passed the test! I'm on my way, right? Wrong! Due to the lack of time ( class shortened by one day) spent on diad 5 training that I personally needed, I dq'ed myself when I realized I wasn't going to get this route with just 2 days of training, and headed back to sort aisle one more time. This time I was disappointed, however, I was sure with more diad training I'll nail it next time.
Well, peak season came up and once again, I got called for Intergrad. This was awesome because unlike the first 2 times there was a mock town and stops, and experiences you may encounter were acted out, however, it was cut a day short. I believe one more day of driving and diad training,would have contributed to more drivers passing.Unfortunately, it appeared the company needed drivers asap, and couldn't afford to have us in class, when "class" could be you driving a route immediately in real time!
Well, this time I passed again, and was ready to go! Well, at least that's what I thought. NOTHING could have prepared for the mental stress and anxiety, that you have to endure being a driver-good or bad-.and that's a shame.
I say this because, the joy of becoming a driver was slowly deteriorating for me with every verbally abusive statement from a sup, every mis-loaded and brick loaded truck (due to unhappy and underpaid loaders) and the lack of compassion and understanding for simply "being human". Management would want to know "Why it took you fifteen minutes to go to McDonalds" and you have to explain "Because I need to take a dump"! Really, guys, everyone's entitled to take a dump or piss as needed! That's a human right!
You have drivers not taking lunches-to scratch, peeing in cups- to scratch ( I even once as a helper witnessed a driver peeing on herself, because she needed to make a pick up by 5 during peak) and showing up an hour earlier to try and organize their trucks on their own time-to scratch- and you reward them with verbal battery, public berating in front of customers, and humiliating them in front of their fellow employees? How does this help anyone to become a better driver, and be inspired to do so?
Once I finished my route, 3 hours ahead of normal (I had a combination of numerous businesses, residential, and apartment complexes which was never predictable) and volunteered to do more work and did 2 pickups for 2 other drivers, and a blind route to help another driver, and all my sup told me was " Your supposed to be able to do this every day".No "Thanks for helping out" or God forbid "Good job, today". Man,seriously guys, a little acknowledgement goes a long way, after a long day!
I don't expect UPS to change "what's been working for them", however, as a new driver who once enjoyed the experience of meeting the residents, business owners, and that good feeling of independence you get when you're alone in your truck- those experiences are now tainted, with the daily high expectations you'll never meet, high stress that never dissipates, and high anxiety that never goes away,because it now comes with those experiences- and that's "disappointing".
I don't know how much longer I'll be driving, however, when you're faced with 10-12 hour days, a toxic work environment, and a loving wife and kids who you only get to see while they're still in bed in the mornings and fast asleep at night, you are left with the question "What can I do, to make this experience work for ME?"..and I have yet to come up with an answer.
Time to make lunch, pack water, and iron my uniform now, in hopes of a better tomorrow...
However, it appears our manager and supervisors could care less about what our intentions are, as opposed to what our packages per hour say that we are. This is an unfair assessment of our capabilities due to the many challenges drivers face, and I believe in the best interest of the company, needs to be changed in order to improve performance, motivationally inspire, and boost morale.
When I first started ay UPS as a sorter, my goal was to become a driver.I was told it was a good paying job, with good benefits, and job security. However, I was never told at what cost these things would come at.
I used to walk by the trucks and imagine myself in them. It was always impressive to see people driving these trucks in my neighborhood, determined, focused, and always appearing to have a sense of urgency.However, I noticed one thing was always missing-a smile.
When I got my first call to become a driver, I was excited! Finally, my life was aligning with my goal. It required the ability to drive a stick, so I hired a guy to teach me to drive his stick. Well, the trucks were different than his car, and I failed my first driving test. It was devastating, but I didn't give up. I went out and bought me a used car for $2500 with manual transmission, to hopefully insure I passed the next time.It became my primary vehicle, and I was going to be ready, to be ready- to be ready!
So, another 3 month's I worked at sort and got the call for a second try. I got excited again, and this time- I passed the test! I'm on my way, right? Wrong! Due to the lack of time ( class shortened by one day) spent on diad 5 training that I personally needed, I dq'ed myself when I realized I wasn't going to get this route with just 2 days of training, and headed back to sort aisle one more time. This time I was disappointed, however, I was sure with more diad training I'll nail it next time.
Well, peak season came up and once again, I got called for Intergrad. This was awesome because unlike the first 2 times there was a mock town and stops, and experiences you may encounter were acted out, however, it was cut a day short. I believe one more day of driving and diad training,would have contributed to more drivers passing.Unfortunately, it appeared the company needed drivers asap, and couldn't afford to have us in class, when "class" could be you driving a route immediately in real time!
Well, this time I passed again, and was ready to go! Well, at least that's what I thought. NOTHING could have prepared for the mental stress and anxiety, that you have to endure being a driver-good or bad-.and that's a shame.
I say this because, the joy of becoming a driver was slowly deteriorating for me with every verbally abusive statement from a sup, every mis-loaded and brick loaded truck (due to unhappy and underpaid loaders) and the lack of compassion and understanding for simply "being human". Management would want to know "Why it took you fifteen minutes to go to McDonalds" and you have to explain "Because I need to take a dump"! Really, guys, everyone's entitled to take a dump or piss as needed! That's a human right!
You have drivers not taking lunches-to scratch, peeing in cups- to scratch ( I even once as a helper witnessed a driver peeing on herself, because she needed to make a pick up by 5 during peak) and showing up an hour earlier to try and organize their trucks on their own time-to scratch- and you reward them with verbal battery, public berating in front of customers, and humiliating them in front of their fellow employees? How does this help anyone to become a better driver, and be inspired to do so?
Once I finished my route, 3 hours ahead of normal (I had a combination of numerous businesses, residential, and apartment complexes which was never predictable) and volunteered to do more work and did 2 pickups for 2 other drivers, and a blind route to help another driver, and all my sup told me was " Your supposed to be able to do this every day".No "Thanks for helping out" or God forbid "Good job, today". Man,seriously guys, a little acknowledgement goes a long way, after a long day!
I don't expect UPS to change "what's been working for them", however, as a new driver who once enjoyed the experience of meeting the residents, business owners, and that good feeling of independence you get when you're alone in your truck- those experiences are now tainted, with the daily high expectations you'll never meet, high stress that never dissipates, and high anxiety that never goes away,because it now comes with those experiences- and that's "disappointing".
I don't know how much longer I'll be driving, however, when you're faced with 10-12 hour days, a toxic work environment, and a loving wife and kids who you only get to see while they're still in bed in the mornings and fast asleep at night, you are left with the question "What can I do, to make this experience work for ME?"..and I have yet to come up with an answer.
Time to make lunch, pack water, and iron my uniform now, in hopes of a better tomorrow...