Discharge letters????

Camping Nana

Well-Known Member
My preload usually starts 3/4 staffed, not counting the later scheduled people, my supe doesn't care though, he gets here late too and he will be gone in 2 months. Some loaders will call in sick 5 times a month, with as many tardys but nothing happens, the people that show up on time pick up the slack. The worst part is when they show up late they don't punch in so when they have the morning OMS redo their timecard (oh I forgot to punch in) they are put in as on time even though they were late. I used to care, now I just sit back and watch the fireworks.

:angry::angry::angry: Words fail me!


Retired 22 years
Sounds like you need to ask mommy and daddy to increase your allowance because your going to need it.


When I hired on I was 43 yrs old. I worked my :censored2: off for this job. Started as preload in May of 05. Didn't call in sick. Didn't show up late to work.
Sometime during peak I caught this nagging cold. It just hung on and would not go away. I'm sure it had something to so with being in an open sort. I had this damn cold for 6/8 weeks. I suffered with it because it was peak and we were busy and preload couldn't afford to lose one person.
Finally, peak was over and Jan 1st had come. I called in sick for a whole week. Not once did mgt ever say anything to me about calling in sick for the whole week. The moral of this story...................dboy33 GET OFF YOUR LAZY :censored2: AND GO TO WORK

god, kids these days think everything should be handed to them on a silver platter.


Well-Known Member
IMO, If you hate it, love it, somewhere in between, part-time package humper or full-rate driver, you have to show up early or at least on-time and give managers a sense of respect for your reliability.

In my opinion, reliability is greater than performance PPH/etc. Reliability is missorts, misloads, showing up every day or night on work nights...

I've missed 3.5 days of work since Aug 2004. I'm sure theres people who have better or even perfect attendance records. The point is to show that person has genuine interest in the day to day and also long-term success of the company.