Do vacation hours count?


New Member
Western region. Do vacation hours count towards the 500 hours needed to receive credit for the year? Also, if my seniority date is in October can I use my vacation weeks before that date and receive credit? Thanks for the info.


Well-Known Member
In the Western Region not all retirement plans are the same even tho they are run by the WCT Pension plan. You should go to your local Hall (mind you they aren't very well versed in many things) but this should be in their wheel house for your particular's of what local you are retiring from and how the WCT applies to you and your specific area.

That being said, as in my case, I was So Cal at the time which is now Central Cal. I was allowed to walk off the property as tho I was fully retired before even the required minimum peer 80 plan would provide insurance at age 50. I was 49 years old. I was allowed to take all the days that I had saved and that were on the books (Sick, Holiday, Vacation, Option weeks) to run out my existence at UPS. So altho they considered me off the payroll, I didn't receive or fully retire for 4 months later when all my back logged days/hours expired and I had past my 50th birthday when all had been used up. All these monies came in individual deposit slips as paid out per week in ONE LUMP! Handed to me the day I walked out.

I would say to you if your are retiring! Get the facts first! Know which Peer plan you are under and get the details on that plan in your HAND'S! Verify and Reverify and get it in writing if possible. Not rocket science, but don't go off what people tell you at work or you read on here in this format. PAY ATTENTION!!! DO NOT step away and LOSE your health insurance! That is worth its weight in GOLD!

In my area of the WCT they control how much work you can do by hours, by age, and they can deduct retirement monies if you exceed that amount that you have to report yearly if you exceed. If you are caught working in the pre determined areas of employment that you did not disclose they go after your financial end of your pension so be aware of that as that I am pretty sure is thru out the WCT.

If you plan on leaving the WCT covered area? Dependent on who provides your health insurance (UPS or Teamsters) upon retirement may be an issue if you plan on leaving the area completely or somewhere else in the covered region. If you have a plan? Add that into what your plans are for your future Healthcare needs.

Good Luck!