DOT card expires soon


Well-Known Member
My DOT card expires next month. How do I go about renewing it? Is that something my doctor can do? When UPS hired me they sent me to their own place to get a physical. Don't remember where.


Box Monkey
My DOT card expires next month. How do I go about renewing it? Is that something my doctor can do? When UPS hired me they sent me to their own place to get a physical. Don't remember where.

Ask your management team or OMS where to go. They send us to a local urgent care place.


Retired 22 years
Don't management start bugging you to get your physical a couple of months before its due? They always just came up to us and handed us the paperwork complete with an appointment at the clinic already made.


Retired 22 years
Lucky, Never got paid for them here.

Were they scheduled during normal working hours? (paid for under the contract then) -----or is that one more thing that was fought for and given up in the last contract? Our clinic was only open for physical appointments from 9:00 am until 4:00pm Mon.-Fri so all appointments were during normal working hours ----unless you were a brown-noser and made an appointment during a day off.


Well-Known Member
Were they scheduled during normal working hours? (paid for under the contract then) -----or is that one more thing that was fought for and given up in the last contract? Our clinic was only open for physical appointments from 9:00 am until 4:00pm Mon.-Fri so all appointments were during normal working hours ----unless you were a brown-noser and made an appointment during a day off.

Oh no, I was given the paperwork after a preload shift and told to get it done ASAP, and they did say that it is unfortunately unpaid. HA, no sir, I did NO work of any kind on my day off...


Light 'em up!
Don't tell them you snore; everyone does.
Just don't tell them!!!

It goes beyond snoring now.

If you have multiple risk factors, 2 or more, they will send you for a sleep study anyway even if you say you do not snore,

BMI of 35 or higher
Neck size over 17
Over 50
Accident where drousiness may have been a factor
Dozing off while watching TV

You can answer no to all the questions, but if you have a BMI over 35 and neck over 17, or are over 50 and a neck over 17, or are over 50 and a BMI of 35 or higher, you may only get a 3 month DOT card and ordered to a sleep study facility.

This all started the first of the year.

Good luck.


nowhere special
They didn't let me know last time... If course I know when I need it.

That sent me a message aslnd said your DOT is experied,did you get a new one?

I said nope.

Had a sup come out and I told him I was joking... He wasn't amused.

One time they didn't let me know. They claimed they didn't schedule them for drivers any more. It was just a lousy clerk who kept messing up and they were covering for her. The next time I was due for a physical it was back to the previous procedure where they notified me when I was due for one.

Remember how it was a long time ago where a doctor would come to UPS and give everyone physicals in the evening after they finished their routes? He would mess around and take forever for the first few drivers but when it started getting late he would hustle everyone through in a few minutes.