Driving record


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone. A friend of my uncle's works as an HR manager for UPS in my area. He told me, back in June, that he would be able to get me a position with the company when I was able to start, and I just began contacting him about this. Yesterday I was informed he would be able to give me a job on a truck right off the bat (I was skeptical but this is what he told my uncle). About three hours later, I got in my first car accident. It was a minor fender-bender, but I fear this might ruin my chances with the company for a while.

I'm usually a good driver and the only other mark on my driving record is a speeding ticket from January 2011. Would any of you guys know what this means for my chances of getting the position?

Somehow I'm sensing helper and not driver LOL


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the hate guys. Maybe I don't want a job if half the employees are this cool in person.
You're talking about coming off the street and jumping ahead of guys who have dedicated years to get a drivers position. Guys who have put their time in working a second job so they could some day get that job. You've stated you've had an accident and a ticket within a year. If you get the job as a driver and it's not just seasonal then you should expect some hate, just being honest.