fedex ground/background check


New Member
Little worried about my background check
Roomate received his call today he starts Monday but I didn't

My current background that I know is

Resist arrest/withdrawn not charged

Disordly conduct engaging in fighting summary charge

Public drunkenness summary charge

When it asked if I ever been convicted I said no because everyone told me the summary charges arnt conviction


Well-Known Member
I would have disclosed it. Not getting a job due to a record is one thing, not getting a job because you didn't disclose it is something different.

I would call to find out if you're still considered for the position.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure a summary offense goes on your record. Get an attorney. They are pretty minor so you should be able to get them sealed if they are showing...


I'm a little pissed off at myself but, I have a contractor at fedex ground that wants to hire me as a step van driver August of this year thing is i have 2 traffic convictions the the state of NY one was for SPEEDING IN ZONE 80-50mph zone on April 11,2014 the other was failure to stop at a stop sign on June 4th,2015 I have a defensive driving certificate from AARP if that helps... Do i even have a chance at getting hired? What are the odds? Should i even bother? I would love a answer for someone working at fedex ground in the HR department or a driver someone with knowledge or fedex ground experience. Thanks


Well-Known Member
I'm a little :censored2: off at myself but, I have a contractor at fedex ground that wants to hire me as a step van driver August of this year thing is i have 2 traffic convictions the the state of NY one was for SPEEDING IN ZONE 80-50mph zone on April 11,2014 the other was failure to stop at a stop sign on June 4th,2015 I have a defensive driving certificate from AARP if that helps... Do i even have a chance at getting hired? What are the odds? Should i even bother? I would love a answer for someone working at fedex ground in the HR department or a driver someone with knowledge or fedex ground experience. Thanks
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