Flavor of the Week?


Well-Known Member
Must maintain a SPORH of at least 23 and turn in at least two sales leads a week that generate new volume, air as well as ground. Preferably the high revenue international stuff. Other than that, everything is copacetic.

Whiskey, how do they thing you are going to do that. Hope for the best for you. I would have to be on a dead run to do that. It ain't going to happen!!!!


Well-Known Member
We had four accidents on the same day in our district so I'm pretty sure the flavor this week will be safety. We also received an ODS from our center manager saying that we were 5K P/U pieces below this time last year so perhaps we will get a double scoop of safety and sales leads.


Well-Known Member
My objection to the one hour imposed lunch is that when I return I am never ever back to the delivering speed I was before lunch. Give me 1/2 hour for quick lunch/bathroom/check the mail/throw the "fetch it" for the dog and I am good to go.


Just kind of interested to see what the new flavor of the week was in your centers/hubs. There seems to be 2 in my center at this particular time. Coding your hour lunch in the board (not if you actually take it); and warning letters for safety violations. We had one given out last night for a driver running from the truck to the customers door (I kinda like this one). We are even getting paid to stretch out at our PCM. Wonder how long this will last.
We've been at this for over a year, and they still don't do it right.

DOK questions............there baaaaaack
Ditto, Oh me, Oh my, Ketter's in town.

All day S&V rides. At least you get a free lunch.
Yeah, the old 3 hr ride is now 5 hrs, and thanks but no thanks for lunch with my on-road supe. I prefer the alone time.

How many other centers circle the over allowed time on the WOR of the "poorly performing" drivers and leave it out for all other drivers to see?? Finally some one grieved this and it is no longer supposed to happen. It's harassment and should be handled on an individual basis.

Does this happen in your building?

Oh, flavor of the week? One hour lunches (don't even bother taking 1/2 hour lunches without prior approval) and everyone is having staggered start times so they can be lectured to on safety and health in the "Safety Zone." Safety gets soooo... old. Don't even start, UPS needs to practice it all the time or none of the time.
Ours are circled too, and us drivers usually laugh at this.

During peak I took a 45 minute lunch because the other 15 minutes would have put me over 9/5. I was given the choice of lying and saying I took the other 15 minutes or getting a warning letter. I took the warning letter.

It seems that our meanagement is trying to treat us as pupils instead of the drivers that we are. Constantly making faces, no Good Morning's/How are you's and always looking for your flaws. Would you guys get a grip already?:sad-little: