Hot meal on the road


Well-Known Member


KTM rider
A couple of guys in our center put single serving cans of soup on the defrosters. I go to places that have soup and sandwich lunch specials.


Retired 22 years
I haven't heated up anything in a package car but I have cooked meat and potatoes by wraping them in aluminum foil and placing it on the top of my pickup engine. A one hour drive will cook just about anything perfectly. We used to do this when we went road hunting. It takes some experimenting but it works.

Cooking while Driving - MYVIRGINKITCHEN - YouTube


Well-Known Member
before I leave my hours at 7:15am I put my soup in the microwave for 4 and half minutes. It so hot it's about to boil then I pour it into my thermos and it still nice and warm when I eat it in the afternoon...


Well-Known Member
before I leave my hours at 7:15am I put my soup in the microwave for 4 and half minutes. It so hot it's about to boil then I pour it into my thermos and it still nice and warm when I eat it in the afternoon...

Preheat your thermos as well. Fill it with boiling water and close it up while your reheating soup/chili/pasta in the microwave. Dump out the water, then fill it with the food. By noon, it'll still be almost too hot to eat. I've had stuff in there for 12 hours, and it's still very warm. Same goes for cooling in the summer, just stick it in the freezer overnight. If you want something like lasagna or leftover chicken, get a Stanley lunch box and do the same thing as the thermos. They work great.


Well-Known Member
Preheat your thermos as well. Fill it with boiling water and close it up while your reheating soup/chili/pasta in the microwave. Dump out the water, then fill it with the food. By noon, it'll still be almost too hot to eat. I've had stuff in there for 12 hours, and it's still very warm. Same goes for cooling in the summer, just stick it in the freezer overnight. If you want something like lasagna or leftover chicken, get a Stanley lunch box and do the same thing as the thermos. They work great.

Thanks. I'll give it a whirl tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Or you can just hold your food up to your sups face during the PCM. The steaming loads of crap that comes out of his mouth will warm the food in seconds.


Well-Known Member
Or you can just hold your food up to your sups face during the PCM. The steaming loads of crap that comes out of his mouth will warm the food in seconds.

Too many germs. You wouldn't want your food anywhere close to the snaggle tooth droids we've had in our bldg. Hygene isn't important. We've got drivers who refuse to change the oil in their hats.


Well-Known Member
Preheat your thermos as well. Fill it with boiling water and close it up while your reheating soup/chili/pasta in the microwave. Dump out the water, then fill it with the food. By noon, it'll still be almost too hot to eat. I've had stuff in there for 12 hours, and it's still very warm. Same goes for cooling in the summer, just stick it in the freezer overnight. If you want something like lasagna or leftover chicken, get a Stanley lunch box and do the same thing as the thermos. They work great.

Heat up some chicken soup, pour it into a thermos. Drop in two hotdogs. Ziploc bag with two buns and some condiment packets. Two nice dogs, and some soup to boot.