If thats true then you should file charges against them. I'm certainly not a union guy but would be inclined to believe that any such activity is not condoned by the teamsters leadership.
I appreciate what you're saying but think again about just this one part for a second.
"would be inclined to believe that any such activity is not condoned by the teamsters leadership."
When you consider the history of the IBT and even consider some of the acts that took place during the 1997' UPS strike and the fact as I see it where virtually nothing was done to stop or prevent such actions from happening in the first place, this statement, although honest and genuine on your part, just doesn't work.
At one union meeting at our local I got up in disgust and left when 2 pieces of

got up in front of the group and began to brag about going and "kicking some ass" here and "we kicked some ass" there (obvious they gave specific locations) and I am at least proud to say that the 2 were not UPSers but what really made matters even worse was the fact that several parents had brought their kids to this meeting and for them to see and hear adults talk and act like that. And the Local leadership (who are no longer in office) sat on their hands and allowed this discourse to continue unabated.
On principle Tie, you are completely correct but IMO this union has no principle and it's own ability to articulate a good and principled discourse of why a union is needed and specifically why the IBT and what the IBT can do to bring a better worklife and non worklife for the employee to the table is nowhere to be found. Without this the only thing left is thuggery and when honest discourse presents itself, it descends to the only option left to qwell dissent. I also understand that folks who supported Leedham over Hoffa at the recent convention were at the least verbally abused and vocally prevented from voicing their message and you can bet although on it's face it appeared Hoffa was arms length from such childish behavior, he was in reality elbows deep I'm sure. For the record I support neither Hoffa or Leedham as I trust neither and would love a "none of the above" box on the ballot.
I believe people have the right to voice opinions in favor of the APWA and at the same time I also believe any person has the right to stand up and ask the hard questions that need to be asked of the APWA and even voice a position of dissent and objection but in all cases it should be done with respect and civility in all matters. I just don't believe this is the case in this union and until someone proves me wrong and shows me real change I will continue with that opinion.