Deleted member 77202
Read somewhere that SurePost is going to be eliminated as early as January 2020.
Is there any truth to this?
Is there any truth to this?
Read somewhere that SurePost is going to be eliminated as early as January 2020.
Is there any truth to this?
Where did you read this?Read somewhere that SurePost is going to be eliminated as early as January 2020.
Is there any truth to this?
Good it’s getting harder for me to read that little writing the older I getRead somewhere that SurePost is going to be eliminated as early as January 2020.
Is there any truth to this?
PerhapsRead somewhere that SurePost is going to be eliminated as early as January 2020.
Is there any truth to this?
From page 184 of the Agreement:
United Parcel Service, Inc. (“UPS” or “Company”) and the Teamsters UPS National Negotiating Committee (“Union”) agree that the following will apply to Article 26, Section 4 of the UPS National Master Agreement:
(1) In the event the Company’s competition eliminates its service comparable to Surepost, either nationwide or in any service area, the Company shall discontinue Surepost on the same basis.
Has anyone grieved the obvious Surepost violations of oversize, overweight, and business deliveries?curious if anyone has grieved this yet
Has anyone grieved the obvious Surepost violations of oversize, overweight, and business deliveries?
I think about this daily when I am delivering to the post office.Has anyone grieved the obvious Surepost violations of oversize, overweight, and business deliveries?
Can you even grieve that? We can catch them and deliver them. The customer is the one putting the labels on.Has anyone grieved the obvious Surepost violations of oversize, overweight, and business deliveries?
I would think you could...because it states the sizes in the contract. The customer may put the label on it but we choose which ones we keep or don’t. Good question though.Can you even grieve that? We can catch them and deliver them. The customer is the one putting the labels on.
I've noticed a definite increase in stops that are 1 surepost piece.
Read somewhere that SurePost is going to be eliminated as early as January 2020.
Is there any truth to this?