James Webb Telescope Launched. Fingers Crossed.


B.C. boohoo buster.
The launch of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) observatory is a proud moment for all Americans. After over 20 years and 10 billion dollars and having to literally invent many of the technologies along the way the telescope is on route to an orbit nearly a million miles from earth. Nothing like it has ever been built or attempted in human history.

It's not there yet and its success isn't guaranteed. Because of its size the telescope had to be folded up origami style to fit into the nose cone of the rocket and has to unfurl itself along the way. If any one of over 340 single points of failure occur during this unfurling the mission is lost.

If successful it will reveal knowledge that will revolutionize our understanding of the universe, our solar system and exoplanets like nothing that exits now or before. Here is a dramatization of the telescope's deployment. Cross your fingers and wish it Godspeed.

You can follow JWST here:

Webb's Launch GSFC/NASA