Last chance agreement


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Most of "last chance agreements" I have seen are in regards to attendance.
With attendance being a fairly cut and dry issue, aside from FMLA eligible circumstances, last chance agreements seem appropriate and aptly named.
For those of you opposed to them, I ask what a better alternative would be for those employees with poor attendance or the like, that have progressed to the level of discharge?


Well-Known Member
We have one at our building now. Just waiting for it to happen. Just means the union is getting weaker. Day by day.


A last chance agreement is a concession by the company to retain an employee that they want to get rid of. 99% of the time the employee screws up again and the company can then terminate them without recourse.


Got the T-Shirt
A last chance agreement is a concession by the company to retain an employee that they want to get rid of.


Most of "last chance agreements" I have seen are in regards to attendance.

After numerous suspensions....

Hence the term "last chance".

99% of the time the employee screws up again and the company can then terminate them without recourse.

I wouldn't say the percentage is that high, but the intent is to eliminate the need

to once again, have to meet over the issue. And if the employee violates the terms.... goodbye.

Not every case, is worthy of this. It's usually because the employee has some redeeming

"work qualities".... and the company agrees, to try and salvage them.

Last chance agreements are common, in all Union environments.



Well-Known Member
seen the last chance agreement for poor attendance, excess accidents and two for time card falsifications. None of them made it. Not not sure if agreement was 9 months or 1 year. They didn't even get a local level hearing after violation.


Well-Known Member
seen the last chance agreement for poor attendance, excess accidents and two for time card falsifications. None of them made it. Not not sure if agreement was 9 months or 1 year. They didn't even get a local level hearing after violation.

Attendance?? Accidents! 804 members are screwed. The company will be bringing all these type cases to us!! ??? What local started this! Why isn't it in our contracts? And isn't this a separate agreement.


Well-Known Member
another was different local for exceeding personal time, seems all where very excessively warned before they got to the situation to where they decided to sign the agreement.

By the time they are offered a last chance agreement the hourly in question has already secured the noose around their own neck. All that is left is someone slapping the horse on the ass to seal the deal.