Legal Loophole Allows Non-Certified


Well-Known Member
.S.-certificated airline mechanics
are facing a systematic
decline in pay because
of immigration law and regulatory
I saw firsthand how a foreignowned
aircraft repair firm exploits
both those loopholes to drive down
airline mechanics’ wages – within
the borders of the United States.
Singapore Technologies Engineering
owns two of the largest
MRO facilities in the United States: S
TMobile Aerospace (MAE), inMobile,
Ala., and San Antonio Aerospace (SAA) in San Antonio, Texas.
The company recruits non-certificated foreign workers,
bringing them into the U.S. legally to replace U.S. workers at
lower pay scales. It can do so because Federal Aviation Administration
regulations allow non-certificated mechanics to work on
airplane. Also because immigration law allows foreign workers in
specialty occupations to work temporarily for employers in the
U.S. under H-1B visas.
I visited S T Mobile Aerospace with two other United Airlines
mechanics. Combined, we have more than 60 years’ experience.
We were sent to Mobile to recover an engine for Pratt andWhitney.
While we were there, we befriended some of the MAE foreign
workers. Combined, these ten or so workers had less than
half the years of experience we had.
The MAE workers were assigned to complete the engine preshipping
process and to help us where needed. We did just fine
on our own, but we enjoyed the company.
While there, we marveled at how many of these workers it
took to perform even the simplest task like removing a tail cone.
We also saw the extraordinary amount of time spent on each job.
How can this be a cost savings to the airlines?
We noticed that each crew’s tasks were precisely pointed out
by the shift supervisor who spoke to only one man. We later
learned that man was named the “lead” because he could translate
English to other crew members. The shift supervisor would
return at infrequent, long intervals to check on the progress and
assign tasks. He and he alone, carried the necessary FAA-mandated
This maintenance crew at MAE was from the Philippines.
They were very pleasant.We made friends quickly and in limited

English managed to communicate well enough.
They explained how they used certificates and licenses from
their own country to obtain foreign visas and secure guaranteed
work even before they left home. I, in turn, explained to them
how a jet engine operates. Some were obviously hearing this for
the first time but I don’t blame them. God bless any worker who
does all he can for his family.
According to my new friends at MAE, a contracting company
is offered a certain dollar amount to fill a vacancy. The agency,
such as AircraftWorkersWorldwide, in Daphne, Alabama, will
find people in other countries, like the Philippines, who will leave
their homes and family in search of work. After paying a fee, they
are then helped to obtain the required and necessary documents,
brought to the U.S. and put to work as contractors.
They start at a fraction of the amount paid by theMRO to the
original contractor. Then, in some cases, higher paid American
workers are put on the street and the process begins again. The contractor
walks away with a nice chunk of change in this exchange.
The men I talked to earned anywhere from $8 to $12 dollars an
hour with the lead earning the top pay. They all realized they were
paid only a portion of what the contract company was taking in.
“But what about American workers you put out of a job?” I
asked. Their unapologetic answer was simply that “the money
here is better than our country. Even if it is lower than what
Americans make, our families have to eat too and mostly, we
Unfortunately, that is true. These foreign workers are not to
blame for the loss of American jobs. They too are exploited.
Our fight is not against these workers.We are only against
them being used to undercut wage standards.
Equal pay for equal work is the answer to this problem. These
men should be paid competitive salaries to remove the big profit
incentive from the whole system that exploits them and replaces
us. The visa system should not be used as a labor discount outlet
to supplement the lavish incomes of corporate management.
It’s pure greed that drivesMAE and SAA to pit us against lowwage
immigrant workers. Profits for US airlines are also a big temptation
to send work to lower-cost repair facilities within our borders.
We need standards and proper oversight to allow fair and
competitive pay and benefits for qualified foreign workers and to
end the loopholes that allow the importation of exploitable immigrants.
Only then can we stop the race to the bottom.
It’s time we remind those in power that all workers, regardless
of country of origin, are united in demanding we be treated fairly

labor does indeed, create all wealth.