local 710


Well-Known Member
Last week in our morning PCM they said that 710 has reached an agreement and that ballots were on their way. Has anyone received their ballot yet?


Well-Known Member
Last week in our morning PCM they said that 710 has reached an agreement and that ballots were on their way. Has anyone received their ballot yet?

hahahaha..... why would any hourly listen to, let alone believe, any contract announcement from the company? 710 won't waste time negotiating until the national's vote count. From what I heard they haven't touched any monetary issues including insurance. 710 may go their own way with their own insurance plan if their bean counters ok it. Pat Flynn is one of the smartest union officials in the country....be patient.


Well-Known Member
My area is a bit of an oddball in that we used to be covered by local 710, but years ago transferred to a closer local for everything except our health insurance and pension. So while I am not voting on the local 710 agreement I am affected by it. My hope is they can do better on the insurance than what was decided for the national contract.