Mental illness


New Member
I worked at the JFK facility and they fired me for good from UPS for a change in my affect. I’m currently in recovery in the ward. Does anyone know how I can get my job back?


Well-Known Member
Is there a baseline affect that is universally accepted and all must adhere to?

Are the peaks and valleys along that baseline in an established range?

Did a certificated mental health individual dispense clinical assessment?

Many puzzle pieces are missing.

Mentally helping.


Huge Member
Sounds like this guy isn't wanted in the airport facility.
Kudos on UPS and the Teamsters if they were able to get a loose cannon off the premises.
If they take away your airport badge for any reason, there's no way you go back.


Well-Known Member
I wonder how many of our employees are just on the other side of "losing affect"?
Sounds like this could have been fabricated by a supe that wanted an employee gone.

As far as I know, the BOG only exists in one place.