Monday, July 31; the perfect storm of stupid.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
We will be implementing Saturday Delivery in my building this July.

Monday, July 29th will see a covergence of 3 factors that will create the "perfect storm" of forced stupidity resulting in service failures.

Factor #1--The first few weeks of implementing a new program are when UPS is always the most fanatical about generating arbitrary metrics in order to create the illusion that the program is working.

Factor #2--Late July thru mid August is usually our period of lowest delivery volume.

Factor #3--Mondays, as well as the last 2 or 3 days of the month, are always our heaviest days for pickup volume.

The covergence of these factors will result in a situation where our already low delivery volume will be further thinned out by making residential deliveries on Saturday the 27th. order to generate the required Stops Per Car metric on Monday the 29th, routes will be cut out and combined to the point where those that remain will be dispatched with two complete pickup strings that they have no hope of containing or completing in a realistic time frame, particularly when they are having to try and cram that volume in over the top of 10 hours worth of business deliveries.

The surviving routes will still have the same number of stops "on paper", but since the 25 or 30 residential DR's that can be put off until the end of the day will have already been delivered on Saturday, those stops will replaced by business stops or pickups from the adjacent route that has been eliminated.

The pickups wont contain, and the business deliveries will get missed, because you cant cram 1200 cubic feet of volume from two pickup strings into one car and you cant deliver 10 hours worth of business stops by 5:00--especially when you are forced to start your pickups 2 hours early.

The train wreck is coming. I am glad I will be on vacation that day!


Never bought my own handtruck
If your prediction is accurate then I have one word for you. "Missed". Have a nice lunch, do what pickups you can and on Tuesday the 30th, business as usual.


Poopin' on the clock
No, I send it to the cleaners for pressing.