New Balance Shoes the best for a driver?


Nine Lives
My wife has a pair of shoes that look like this!

Old International

Now driving a Sterling
After almost getting my toes cut off delivering steel to a machine shop, I have worn 9", steel toe boots. Currently, I am wearing Georgia workboots, and they kast about 2 years for me. I keep them well polished, and they have saved my ankles more than once. As for the weight? you don't notice it after a week. As yes they look funny with shorts, but as I told my coworkers when I was in package, all a lot of dogs got was a mouth full of leather.

Tired Driver

Sisyphus had it easy.
Did the new balance for the 1st 5 years. New pair every 3 months and ankles hurt all the time. Have been using 9" Red Wing boots for 15 years and have had no problems. They have save me from a twisted ankle too many times to count. Resole them every 9 months. But wear new balance on the weekends.


My Senior Picture
These are my favorites
On my 3rd pair.
Get about 18 months out of them with minimal maint.
Waterproof and lightweight.
Made by Sketchers Work.


MD Dan

Well-Known Member
I wear only Rocky Walkers... and have been for over 20 years. I get approx 18 months out of a pair. Never have any foot pain.