most of new orleans is not in ruins. That is the kind of headlines that sell copy and air time, but is far from the truth. But that does not mean that there is not wide spread damage.
As for the loss of human life, that is tragic. But how many are needless. Now many ignored the evac orders and stayed. There are at least 35 of those deaths just in one building that fell after relentless storm surges knocked the foundation out. Why were they still there.
As for the TV shots, remember something. TV is selling time. Time you are glued to the set. They will focus on the worst areas hit, the most heartrending emotional story, they will shoot video of one spot from every different angle and then replay it over and over as new footage. Not to take away from the tragic losses, but their job is to sensationalize the story. And they do it well.
That being said, there is much damage to many areas. It was a major storm. BUt by the grace of God it could have been much worse. And just because a few levies broke, that is fairly good news. There are many others that have not broken and are holding tight.
They will rebuild, in many cases better than before. It will take years, and for some people the effort will be greater than they wish to participate in, so they will move away. But others will come. It has been that way in the past, it will be that way in the future.
I wonder if the gooberment will stop sending all the building materiels that are currently going to China, to help in the rebuild?