Our my managers hiding a dark secret?


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I enjoy the OR I hope they do not quit displaying them. We all need a good laugh in the am, before we start our day. Especially on the days when I had every bad thing that could happen, happen, and Im better than on a day I think I was flawless. Right now they are just a joke, and mgmt agrees, but still try to make us abide by it. They know they are wrong but thats what they are held to.


Active Member
Scratch, you must be at P'dale. There was one Center Manager who would write comment my a drivers name on the OR like "good job" or "not good enough, you can do better" etc... It was there for anyone to see who was in the area.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I like the "whiteboard" display, you can look at it and analyze it much better when you can see it than when the talking points are spoken. JMO I was missing a scan at one place and alot, and no one ever told me, once I was told, I re-evaluated what I was doing there and havent missed one in months. None of us are above making a mistake, but knowing you are making an error, and given a chance to correct it, before the big hammer comes down is the way it should be done.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Scratch, you must be at P'dale. There was one Center Manager who would write comment my a drivers name on the OR like "good job" or "not good enough, you can do better" etc... It was there for anyone to see who was in the area.

No, I'm not in Pleasantdale, I'm at that little Hub on the Southside. But that does sound like someone I used to work for, maybe he is up there. Some of the drivers would come in and laugh like crazy when they read the OR, saying stuff like "Oops, I need to slow down", and things like that.


Raises for management are all the same, in March, so that is not the issue. Several years ago, I hate to say how may, our district tried re-assessment, which was basically empowering drivers to do their jobs the right way, and trust management to work on issues. I can say for my 40 driver group, it worked. We discussed the issues pertaining to each route, made adjustments where necessary and things worked out great. Maybe yours is trying the same thing (10 years later).


Browncafe Steward
This is nothing but a form of harrasment! No lists should be allowed and no or should be out for others to view. What we do is line up at start time to see our previous days numbers after the pcm. We refuse to look at them before start time and this really runs up the preloads am time, some times they even need to get a couple extra air drivers to help out. Get with your steward and put a stop to this asap. We all make mistakes sooner or later and our coworkers do not need to know about it, thats why we have all these sups for to talk to us. How can they correct the behavior if your not aware that you made a mistake? Will they make it mandatory for you to check the boo-boo board before leaving the building every morning?


This is nothing but a form of harrasment! No lists should be allowed and no or should be out for others to view. What we do is line up at start time to see our previous days numbers after the pcm. We refuse to look at them before start time and this really runs up the preloads am time, some times they even need to get a couple extra air drivers to help out.

I think I'd rather be lining up my next stop then hanging out in the office to view the wor.


Browncafe Steward
This is nothing but a form of harrasment! No lists should be allowed and no or should be out for others to view. What we do is line up at start time to see our previous days numbers after the pcm. We refuse to look at them before start time and this really runs up the preloads am time, some times they even need to get a couple extra air drivers to help out.

I think I'd rather be lining up my next stop then hanging out in the office to view the wor.
I get paid to view the or and i never massage my load while in the building. Why would i want to view ups documents on my time?


Well-Known Member
:mad: they put up a load of bulletin boards in the Atlanta Hub ... I agree the Op. Reports should NOT be put up for everyone to see.... It is SINGLING out and is NOT Allowed !!!! Names of employees SHOULD be blanked out if said report is posted !!! The OR is a tool for MANAGEMENT not hourly employees !!! I agree with a prior poste that said to get your BA involved in this..... These practices by management can not be tolerated or allowed !!!!..... I think good ole Tie Guy could possibly share a little more info with us, if he has not been swore to secrecy...... :thumbup1: BC (not Breakfast of Champions)
I agree with you on this one bc/705, back when I was a shop stewart They started posting the op report(under/over report) so the whole world could see your job performance scores daily. I filed on it, and they took it down. I dont have a problem with them showing the report,but lets do it in the office(with a shop stewart), respect the drivers privacy. Before they took it down, the" burn up the route drivers"(skip your lunch type,drive like maniacs,you know who you are) would harass the ones that were over/ standards(sidenote,all drivers abilities are different,God made some better atheletes than others). They would even go as far as writing rude comments on the report. Tie, I ask you this, Would you want your Job evaluation posted for the whole world to see(Why not start now and post it on the bc site,(not being considerate),sorry BC fan I couldnt past that up,LOL)? And dont tell me, Yes(because your evaluation i guess would be the best in the whole company ( ; I myself, dont look at the standards report, I do my best to my ability. My motto, I give them no less nor I give them no more. steady pace. Again, I believe a driver who wants too, can look at his or her performance report and their performance report only. Maybe the sups can cut out each individual report(strips) and give them personally to the drivers. Is that not to much to ask. ps. they started posting it again, Im no longer a shop stewart, getting tired I guess, not fighting it . Not to blow my own horn, but no one(drivers) has approached me about my work. If they are, the pusillanimous's are doing it behind my back. Posting the performance report, really does promote teamwork(sarcaism). ) : osi
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Well-Known Member
BCfan(being considerate) lol,sorry bc I dont want to rain on your parade, couldnt pass that up, again. wow, I made a funny. lmao No wait, what is it bc- not being considerate or being considerate. Which is it? We eagerly wait your answer, Oh mighty wise one.
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