P/T vacation question


Hey guys.
Apologizes if this has been asked before, I looked to see if I can find any related topics and didn't see any.

I've been with UPS for almost six months now, and I'm wondering about vacation time. From what I understand, that and other benefits don't kick in until I hit my one year in August. But, how do I go about requesting a vacation time (if any)? My fiance and I would like to take a trip overseas in October, so I'm really hoping I can get that time off. I've tried asking so many people in the hub I'm at, but I just keep getting told different stories. I don't know who to listen to anymore.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


Retired 22 years
Don't book your tickets just yet. Is there a vacation schedule posted in your building( There should be) and is there a week open in Oct?


Well-Known Member
For paid vacation, I've been told that it's a year after your seniority date, which I'd assume is early/mid-Nov for you. You'll get those paid vacation days, but they won't let you use them until you hit a year after seniority. But definitely, try to grab that time off request early.


promoted to mediocrity
@gio16 : Vacation time off should be selected ("bid") in seniority order during a certain time period of the year. The bidding process should be spelled out somewhere in your union contract supplement. I recommend you get a copy of your particular contract and read it and/or talk to your union shop steward (or call your union hall/business office if need be). Where I am (and this is just an example, it may not be like this where you are), vacation weeks for 2018 are picked in November 2017; they go down the applicable seniority list, with 25% of employees picking per week. If you want to take off this October, it may still be possible, but you need to know what your particular contract supplement says. Also, in some parts of the country you might also get an "option week", which is a second week of vacation time you have the option of taking off or not taking the time off and still collecting that pay, some areas have additional choices-that's why it's important to get your particular contract supplement. VERY IMPORTANT: the calendar they use refers to weeks by the Saturday (last day) of that week. So if you wanted the second week of October '17 off (the 8th to the 14th, Sun. to Sat.), look for the "week ending Oct. 14".