Part time employee soon to be hired full time injury outside work

I am currently a cover driver at my center and have been for some time now and I ave signed the sheet to become full time. In the next few weeks my center will be hiring from the full time bid sheet and I have enough senority to be one of those people. I got injured outside work and will not be able to return for a few months. My question is can I be over looked or to be hired full time since I will be out or do they still have to honor my senority?


I am currently a cover driver at my center and have been for some time now and I ave signed the sheet to become full time. In the next few weeks my center will be hiring from the full time bid sheet and I have enough senority to be one of those people. I got injured outside work and will not be able to return for a few months. My question is can I be over looked or to be hired full time since I will be out or do they still have to honor my senority?

This would be a good question to ask your Business Agent

You do pay dues don't you?