Rocky, I have read many of your posts here since I joined. While I do not always agree with you, I don't see any need for you to even post this poll. The reply to your post that started the ruckus was an obvious misread and things have gotten out of hand since then. Don't get your feelings hurt and run away. I don't feel that your opinion is worth anymore than mine or anyone else's really but it's fine that you do. Actually I appreciated your post.
I think what some are calling arrogant and "educated snob" are confusing your pride in your accomplishments. It's OK to be proud, just temper it with some humility also and you will find that the rest will sort it'self out.
Really Rocky, there is no need to tout your education or the quality of the school you attended. If you post with good common sense and a sense of reality your intelligence will show through.
Whether you stay of leave the Browncafe should be up to YOU and YOU alone as long as you follow the rules.
One more thing. Please don't take this as a slam of a flame, but this poll is a little immature for some one your age, don't ja think?