Today I was told by supervisor that I failed to qualify. It was my 19th day and I was 65 clicks over yesterday. There was severe thunderstorms to. I really felt like I was improving and would have been making scratch next week. I have never came back after 9.5. It’s been 3 months since my interview with UPS for the job. I was hired off the street. I went to intergrad and passed it and then they made me wait a month before I started. I was only working 2/3 days a week and driving over an hour to work everyday getting there hour early to prep my truck and they would say “you don’t work today”. I just don’t understand how I failed to qualify when I wasn’t even given a chance to finish the 30 days. I had 4 late airs tuesday but they were the ones that showed up needed be delivered by 8:30 but I don’t start till 8:45. They hired 4 of us at the same time and 2 of them have already been let go and the 4th has only worked 10 days so he is probably next. I really don’t think I didn’t qualify because of my speed/wrong doings. Feels like they just didn’t need new drivers and didn’t want to qualify cover drivers because there isn’t ring work anyways