Question about an old timer that can't really work anymore...

I tell some of the young guys that they might see an old dog before them but I tell them they`re looking at a dog smart enough to get old.


Strength through joy
As one of my co-workers has stated he is actually losing money by staying on the job , with the teamsters pension, his V.A. pension and SS. But the alternative would be to stay at home everyday with his wife and that is not a workable solution.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
When texting here is a key to understanting the more mature UPS'ers:
codes for seniors:
ATD - At the Doctor's
BFF - Best Friend Farted
BTW - Bring the Wheelchair
BYOT - Bring Your Own Teeth
CBM - Covered by Medicare
CUATSC - See You at the Senior Center
DWI - Driving While Incontinent
FWBB - Friend with Beta Blockers
FWIW - Forgot Where I Was
FYI - Found Your Insulin
GGPBL - Gotta Go, Pacemaker Battery Low
GHA - Got Heartburn Again
HGBM - Had Good Bowel Movement
IMHO - Is My Hearing-Aid On?
LMDO - Laughing My Dentures Out
LOL - Living on Lipitor
LWO - Lawrence Welk's On
LMTOT – Lost my train of thought
OMMR - On My Massage Recliner
OMSG - Oh My! Sorry, Gas
ROFL...CGU - Rolling on the Floor Laughing...Can't get Up!
TTYL - Talk to You Louder
WAITT - Who Am I Talking To?
WTFA - Wet the Furniture Again
WTP - Where's the Prunes
WWNO - Walker Wheels Need Oil