Random Question for Drivers please respond


Its all good.
Learn the methods and practice them. All of them. They are taught for one reason. THEY WORK. That's the best way to cover your :censored2:.

Try your best to work efficiently, but don't worry if it doesn't come together immediately. It takes time. After you've been on your on for a few days, all of a sudden things will start to click and the job will be easier.

Be honest. If you try to cover up a mistake you will get caught and DQed.

Lean on the experienced drivers around you for advice. We've all been there, and only a prick wouldn't be willing to help you out with advice and direction.

If you think you friend@&ed up, run it past an experienced driver. Some things might not be as bad as you think, while others might be able to be fixed.

In most cases a driver won't get DQed for performance as long as he is showing continual improvement, so don't get discouraged if things aren't where you want them at first. Do whatever it takes to qualify, come in before start time to go through your truck, and skip your lunch till you achieve seniority.

The transmissions on some of the old cars are difficult, but you will probably get accustomed to that after a couple of hours. Other than the handling with no power steering, the trucks really aren't hard to drive. Visibility is good sitting up high.

Watch out for tail swing. Also watch out for tree branches that could break mirrors. Both things could get you charged with an accident and get you DQed.

Good luck. I hope everything works out for you.

Kmart sux. So does Walmart. And Orion.


Oh Yeah
Cum,In handy?