Yep, we had Blue Label as it was the only way to go from coast to coast seeing as we not only didn't originally deliver to the states between, but were not even allowed to drive sealed loads through many of them.
But that was long before fred was even a college student.
So Blue Label remained all UPS offered for speed as the business world would be unwilling to pay for overnight service apparently was the UPS philosophy.
And then fred grew up, came in and offered the service starting with bailing wire, spit and what would have been pocket change comparatively to UPS while UPS with the world's largest non-governmental transportation infrastructure stood on the side lines flat footed until he had established an empire.
Then they decided, hey there is a market here and got into the fray.
I'd call that stupid although certainly give fred credit for being brilliant as well.
UPS has obviously made lots of brilliant moves over the years, but they really missed on this one, because if UPS had gotten into this before fred with the advantage of their money and infrastructure fred would be "three men and a piper cub local moving company" if he was even in the business.