Signed delivery notices at apartments?


Active Member
is it acceptable to leave a package at an apartment door with a singed delivery notice? I had an oms tell me today that it's not, but I've never heard that in my life.


Active Member
Depends on the apt. I have some I DR, and some I won't leave with a signed note.
but if the package turns up missing, it's not on the driver, right? that's what's happening in my case.

I thought the whole point of singed delivery notices was signing the liability of the package off to the customer.


Man of Great Wisdom
but if I package turns up missing, it's not on the driver, right? that's what's happening in my case.

I thought the whole point of singed delivery notices was signing the liability of the package off to the customer.

Much like a driver release, it still needs to be left in a safe location. Driver discretion plays a big part. Area knowledge helps.


swollen member
not on my area. Apartments are sig req and will only leave at office if they accept for residents.

I have 19 properties on my route and only 5 of the offices will accept for residents...

on the back of del notice, I circle the 1 800 number, write out "call for pickup", cross out signature lines and write "n/a",

circle "b" option and underline "in person"
I would ask the center manager tomorrow in the a m and do this from here on out. It's not what we say or what you want. It's what they want. The sooner you understand this the Better you will coexist.


My Senior Picture
I would ask the center manager tomorrow in the a m and do this from here on out. It's not what we say or what you want. It's what they want. The sooner you understand this the Better you will coexist.

Ask for it in writing and watch the answers change.
When one comes up missing as a result of a "gray" area release, they will hang it on the driver.
Don't let them use you as an insurance policy.


Retired 22 years
is it acceptable to leave a package at an apartment door with a singed delivery notice? I had an oms tell me today that it's not, but I've never heard that in my life.

Damn---now you have to sing at your stops? I'm glad I got out when I did.


Well-Known Troll
If they sign the delivery notice, I drop it. It's not my concern if it's a "sketchy" area. They don't want their stuff stolen, they should move to a better, (less section 8) of an apartment


Well-Known Troll
Distinction without a difference---the customer is still getting screwed.

When there is someone at the business 4 days out of the week (at the SAME time) , and are closed ONE day per week, nobody is getting screwed. If it had been a concern they might have called in a complaint once or twice over 4 years.

Just a thought