We have a driver in our building that was given his 30 day recognition over two months ago. He has yet to see it in his check and UPS is now refusing to pay his benefits for insurance.
This was a company outside hire. He did not sign a seasonal waiver, and the center manager announced his seniority on Dec. 15 to app 55 employees at the P.C.M. The HR rep that hired him assured him that he was a permanent employee and that he was not a seasonal hire.
UPS claims he started his 30 days over on Jan.1. He STILL does not have his 30 days in yet according to the company, yet they did not start a new 30 day training pack on him. He did not have the usual training rides or a ride on day 30 the second time around.
The center manager told him that he will not announce that he is a seniority employee at all. Again, no benefits or pay raises have been received.
How can UPS be considered for the "Most Admired" list when they treat their employees like this? He has a family and needs the medical for a infant son.
The other side of the coin is that he has become an ardent supporter of the union throughout this process!