I always bring it to the "normal" spot. A good laugh I had recently was at a BJ's wholesale club temporary office. As they build the store, they have a satellite office where they sell their memberships and hire their employees. Well, I had about 25 boxes about 30 pounds each, and I went inside to verify they were for the office as there was an address and a person's name, but not a business name.
The lady receptionist verified that they were for them, but when I asked for a smidgen of help (inferring but not naming opening some doors, possibly just handing a box or two through the handtruck so I didn't have to climb over them in the cab) she insisted she could not help me because she was a woman (yes, those were her exact words). When I started bringing them inside, she insisted they must be brought to the back. I again said I would be happy to help her if she would help me (you know, one hand washes the other) and she again insisted that she is a woman and cannot help. So I told her that I am not on BJ's payroll and put them all inside by the front door.