The end is near


Well-Known Member
I have to admit...recklessly shooting one of these things out of the sky is most definitely not a smart or lawful thing to do but I would just LOVE to do it!
I've heard when enough of these are delivering things, in some areas, it'll go from skeet shooting, to skeet shooting with mystery prizes.
You'll just have to be smarter than to leave a green busted up drone with an Amazon arrow from the A to the Z out on top of your trash come Friday.




Well-Known Member
Id like a drone delivery service that you could mix and match. Say a Big Mac, fries from Wendy's, some nachos, and a coffee from Dunkin Donuts. Throw in a six pack too!

Used to be a local delivery service that did this. Then they got a few big contracts to move i502 shipments and changed their whole business model