The Latest Letter Writing Campaign



Hmm, what I do all day is pick up Chinese made products from warehouses filled with workers who have very questionable English speaking skills. Do you think any of them will write those letters?

you must pick up at the Bed Bath and English is Beyond us account.


My production is a topic of debate with my on car and center manager from time to time. When they brought these letter packs out I said I was not interested in doing it if there was not a way to code it out.
You also have to really know a customer is already supportive of the legislation anyway before we just stumble in with a request like this. I think its like playing with dynamite. Most people have either a strong pro or anti union view. Very little middle ground. Most business owners I know don't support union friendly views even if they like me personally. UPS has done a good job of villifying the Teamsters over the years and now to ask it's customers to sign on to this seems like double talk. A lot of business owners and people in general believe that the "union" is what went wrong in Detroit, even though it was the companies who decided year after year to make gas hogs that just finally stopped selling.
I don't think this campaign will be very effective unfortunately.

it is playing with dynamite. It would be the equivalent of going up to these business owners asking them to write letters to congress to not approve or approve a supreme court candidate. Pretty darn intrusive.

Work right slow and safe

Well-Known Member
if ups feels this should be done then they can send letters to all the comp and inform them of what is going on in the world and they can ask them to right the letters to support this no me