Trademark Infringement?


Nine Lives
I have the old Ike style jacket and its actually brown instead of greenish-brown. I wish it fit like it did when I started at United Parcel back in good old 1953.

I wasn't even born then Stu but I think the first package car I drove was manufactured in that year - it was a Grumman.


UPS was transitioning from a department store carrier to a countrywide small package carrier for everyone. UPS needed a new logo to help convey that image internally and to the public. The consulting group that came up with the candidates for a new logo for UPS conducted focus group meetings and the package with the string on top of the shield conveyed the essence of what UPS's business was - small package. At the time, UPS was an unknown (USPS and REA were the big players along with regional carriers). REA and USPS, at that time, allowed the use of string and most shippers used string as tape was relatively new and expensive. So it makes sense at that point in time.

The new logo was developed for the same reason, to mark a transition of our business from a small package carrier to a global Logistics provider.

Yes it made some sense back then. But why stick with it for half a century?

It's like taking Pullman Brown from the railroad porters. It made some sense back then, but UPS should have realized it was the most unsafe color for package cars and uniforms, especially as drivers have been scheduled to be on road from dusk to late evening.