transferring once qualified?

Hi All -

I was just hired as a part-time cover driver 'off the street' here in MA. I start training in Norwood on 5 JUN. I've enjoyed reading the posts of the veteran package car drivers, and I think I understand how difficult it will be to make it through the 6 month probationary period. If I do make it to JAN, how difficult would it be transfer to another part of the country by next JUN? (I have lived in Los Angeles for the past 6 years, and would prefer driving there or perhaps somewhere else in the Southwestern US.)

Also, I'm a 40 year old (male) with a college degree and a strong work ethic. What's the likelihood of someone like me breaking into management within 2 years? It seems the drivers would benefit from having more managers with leadership ability.

Thanks, JD.



Well-Known Member
6 months probation? I can see why management would want they can work you to death and then dismiss you for little or no reason and then find another sucker to cover the remaining 6 months of that year. Check with your steward or BA. 6 months probation doesn't sound right.

In my area of the country probation is only 30 days, not sure if that is calander days or work days.


Well-Known Member
JD in MA/CA-

Regarding your college degree and ".....breaking into management", I work at a major hub and have seen PT sups with degrees railroaded into full-time management and support positions after spending only a few months in package cars. "who you know is who you b**w", might be a keypoint here.
In the old days we had people in management with degrees in art and music. Now your degree would probably need to be job specific such as business, math, computer science, IT, and so on. You might also need to be able to relocate.
You didn't mention what your degree is in.
You indicate you are a cover driver which, in my opinion, takes great fortitude to go out "blind" everyday and run good numbers. Be available, agreeable, optimistic and positive and, in essence, kiss enough rear end and opportunities will be laid before you.
I was asked to be a "split runner" which, according to the person I was talking to, was a prelude to management. I never took the position and am still employed 25 years later as a feeder driver.
Management is more learning how to be a "yes man" and stroking your boss' ego than actually being able to do the job.
Thanks for the insight Trick. I have a degree in English. I went to a military college and was a Marine infantryman in the first Gulf War. I think I have what it takes to be a good manager, which for me is about taking care of the people under my supervision not being a 'yes' man. I hope there's room for managers with the courage to tell it like it is -- if not, I'll go elsewhere.

For right now, I realize I've got my work cut out for me just driving the package car.


Staff member
All UPS supervisors are required to be 'yes' men. Telling it like it is will be the end of your career.

Honestly, I do respect my supervisor. I even like him. But they all have to spout the company line. Even if there's things happening that they know are wrong, they can't change things. They're team players. Doesn't matter how wrong it is, we must all present a unified image.
I'll definitely keep that in mind. I understand the importance of being a team player, but from what I've been reading on some employee websites UPS is far from unified internally. To me, this indicates management could be doing a better job -- but I also imagine it's difficult to keep more than 400,000 people pulling in the same direction.


Thats right JD in MA/CA, UPS is FAR from being internally unified.Things vary so much from center to center.If you show good numbers regardless of the circumstances you will get promoted.On the other hand if you do one thing wrong,they can fire you,relocate you,or put you in overgoods.


Well-Known Member
As a driver you can't transfer. If you go into management then there is a possiblilty you could transfer. The thing is if you go into management, just like the military, they could transfer you any time and any place. which means you could end up in a hick town in North Dakota, and you could not do a thing about it. The only reason it will take six months is probably because you are a seasonal driver and you wont gain seniority until after the summer is over. If you did a good job they might you keep you. If you didn't do a good job they could dump you.

good luck


golden ticket member
Bear123......I'm sure you would want to apologize to all N. Dakota residents who frequent this board. Right? Besides, you could get stuck in Idaho Falls Idaho for 7 1/2 years.....yikes, I did!!! :)


Well-Known Member

You're right. Mia Culpa to all the GREAT North Dakotians out there. For some reason that just happened to be the only state I could come up with.:blushing:

tony the brown bear


Well-Known Member
hey double_standard

what's wrong with over goods. :D In a warped sense of reasoning i actually like working there. There is a good feeling when i can reconsile a package so i can send it to a consignee; albiet it will be late

tony the brown bear
I wouldn't mind relocating even to the Dakotas, but isn't there some kind of 'dream sheet' on which I could list my top 5 or 10 places?

Hourly employees really can't transfer? That just doesn't make any sense.


Well-Known Member
If it's any consolation there are going to be a lot of things that will go from opening your eyes to downright jawdropping.

brown bear