Trasferring to the US


Does anyone know if anyone has ever successfully transferred from the UK or anywhere else in Europe to the US as a feeder driver? I currently work as a feeder driver in the UK and have always thought about emigrating to the US at some stage in my life. Preferably to CA. Anyone have any information on this? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Box Monkey
Muppet I would pick somewhere more affordable to make your big move. I know TV glamourizes CA but the reality is unsettling. Good luck.

rocket man

Well-Known Member
Come on down everyone eles will get the big money 8.50 an hour see how many pounds that is oh 3 hours a day. gas is 375 a gallon NOT an imperial gallon.


Strength through joy
Mgt loves drivers from across the pond, they believe that you will try even harder to prove yourself than the locals.
However getting a feeder job may prove difficult depending on local conditions, most likely its package car driving for you.
As stated above the cost of living in Ca. is expensive, many have to commute several hours just to find affordable housing. And the traffic is heavy along major routes, since some areas have limited highway short cuts.


promoted to mediocrity
Come on down everyone eles will get the big money 8.50 an hour see how many pounds that is oh 3 hours a day. gas is 375 a gallon NOT an imperial gallon.
$3.75USD per gallon is cheap compared to where Muppet's coming from.