Twitter Town Hall


golden ticket member
Instead of being serious about jobs, laughing and trying to buy time for an answer. First he blames John B.'s typing, when the letters in the Tweet are a computer error, not a typo..............but apparently "O" doesn't know that. On certain sites when you try to type an apostrophe, you can't use one and the same kind of gobbly gook printing occurs. NTB (not too bright)


Well-Known Member
In 2008 he used e-mails to keep potential voters updated. E-mail is so 2008. facebook and Twitter are the way young people communicate today and he would be a fool not to take advantage of these resources.


golden ticket member
In 2008 he used e-mails to keep potential voters updated. E-mail is so 2008. facebook and Twitter are the way young people communicate today and he would be a fool not to take advantage of these resources.

Like I said......he's such a fool he didn't recognize the 'twitter error' (don't know what it's called) and was instead making fun of the questioner. He should recognize those figures and what they mean. We got that same 'error' lettering when filling out different class action law suits.


golden ticket member
So not only do you monopolize a social website but you have time to file multiple class action law suits?
Anytime you receive a notice for a class action law suit and you DON'T fill it're a fool who says 'no' to money owed to you by people/companies cheating you. We've received checks as high as $800 and as little as pennies. Most are to do with buying and selling stocks on the market. One I remember was from Enron. The filling out forms and finding the documentation takes time, but we have the time to do it and if someone is going to send us money, I'll send them the paperwork.
My hubby saves everything involving purchases. One of the class actions was a Mercedes Benz one. We had owned 4 Benzes at different times and ended up getting a hefty check from them.

So, if you want to walk by money laying on the ground....go ahead. I'll pick it up!!'re at 11 posts a day and I'm still in the 7 range!!


golden ticket member
Oh, I forgot....I also have 2 visiting teenaged granddaughters for 2 weeks........busy, busy......but not too busy to post on BC. Lucky you!!


golden ticket member