the other morning i woke up and saw my black ups shirt, and the logo was upside down....sdn?...hmm, that seemed a little weird, so i searched it on yahoo and came up with website of the US treasury, under foriegn assets control, and there was a list called the sdn list (Specially Designated Nationalists), pretty much a list of "terrorists" and organizations that the US keeps from obtaining assets and what have you.... heres the link
U.S. Treasury - SDN List
Hypothesis: The list looks more like a list of important personnel rather than terrorists. The list is 200+ pages, so how would they know all these foriegners anyway?...They may be shareholders of US corporations, such as UPS, and if they are, they probably own a good chunk.
Then when i told my cousin about it, he looked at the logo and noticed that it was a five sided shape, a pentagram, which is also a symbol of the illuminati....i think we have a connection here...what do you think?
U.S. Treasury - SDN List
Hypothesis: The list looks more like a list of important personnel rather than terrorists. The list is 200+ pages, so how would they know all these foriegners anyway?...They may be shareholders of US corporations, such as UPS, and if they are, they probably own a good chunk.
Then when i told my cousin about it, he looked at the logo and noticed that it was a five sided shape, a pentagram, which is also a symbol of the illuminati....i think we have a connection here...what do you think?