UPS savings account


Well-Known Member
Three weeks ago, I noticed my pay rate went down by $3/hr. So filed.
I'm a red circled employee and am above scale for the next few years.
Talking with the steward with whom I filed, he said they still have people from last year waiting on payroll grievances.
This strikes me as absurd. I know I will eventually be made whole, but just on straight hours lost, over the course of a year, that's $6000. Add penalty pay on that, and we are at the ludicrous l vel.
I know of multiple people in my hub this has happened to, without resolution as of yet. Do they just like giving money away?
The idiocy boggles my mind.


Big Kahuna Burger
Three weeks ago, I noticed my pay rate went down by $3/hr. So filed.
I'm a red circled employee and am above scale for the next few years.
Talking with the steward with whom I filed, he said they still have people from last year waiting on payroll grievances.
This strikes me as absurd. I know I will eventually be made whole, but just on straight hours lost, over the course of a year, that's $6000. Add penalty pay on that, and we are at the ludicrous l vel.
I know of multiple people in my hub this has happened to, without resolution as of yet. Do they just like giving money away?
The idiocy boggles my mind.
Apparently they’re very far behind


Well-Known Member
I don't know the answer to this question so I am asking......

Is this something the Dept of Labor, Wage and Hour Division could get involved in?

Flame me......


Inordinately Right
Any chance of him getting somebody that’s not already a criminal in his cabinet
Keep seething my friend.



Well-Known Member
Had my grievance hearing last night!
They offered 60%. I said I'd take 70 to avoid hassle. Then we got into details. They were talking about a grievance filed in June, and I informed them that one had been settled, but the one from the following week was still open. I did some quick mental arithmetic and said, according to the contract, you guys are on the hook for about $5100.
That got their attention. My steward corroborated the grievances. They said, um, we are going to have to look into this.
Take your time, I said. But, the meter is still running. Oh, and BTW, you see my 5 open grievances for pay? You may want to address them at the same time, because if you let them drag on this long, it's going to cost you more than the $1600 that you owe me as of today.
They signed the contract, not my fault they suck at payroll and timely addressing of grievances.


Had my grievance hearing last night!
They offered 60%. I said I'd take 70 to avoid hassle. Then we got into details. They were talking about a grievance filed in June, and I informed them that one had been settled, but the one from the following week was still open. I did some quick mental arithmetic and said, according to the contract, you guys are on the hook for about $5100.
That got their attention. My steward corroborated the grievances. They said, um, we are going to have to look into this.
Take your time, I said. But, the meter is still running. Oh, and BTW, you see my 5 open grievances for pay? You may want to address them at the same time, because if you let them drag on this long, it's going to cost you more than the $1600 that you owe me as of today.
They signed the contract, not my fault they suck at payroll and timely addressing of grievances.
Break it off in’em Bech Boy
How do they come up with 60%
Maybe you should only give them 60% of a fair days work
friend all that tell them you want made whole
Had my grievance hearing last night!
They offered 60%. I said I'd take 70 to avoid hassle. Then we got into details. They were talking about a grievance filed in June, and I informed them that one had been settled, but the one from the following week was still open. I did some quick mental arithmetic and said, according to the contract, you guys are on the hook for about $5100.
That got their attention. My steward corroborated the grievances. They said, um, we are going to have to look into this.
Take your time, I said. But, the meter is still running. Oh, and BTW, you see my 5 open grievances for pay? You may want to address them at the same time, because if you let them drag on this long, it's going to cost you more than the $1600 that you owe me as of today.
They signed the contract, not my fault they suck at payroll and timely addressing of grievances.
They only make you offer if they know they are wrong.

Demand 100%