And if I can play off Tie's remark, quitting the safety committee will never garner any respect from the company. Staying firm, staying the course, always offering suggestions that are helpful, and if need be filing safety grievances when needed, that is what the company understands and respects. If you push hard enough and are persistent in your manners, they will give you results.
Speaking of which, If most of you remember last fall I posted about the handrail issue, that the company would not allow the moving of the handrails to accommodate the driver. Right before Christmas the word came down that they could start to move them to where the drivers could use the handrails. I some cases it meant lowering them, moving them to the inside or outside, or even adding a handrail.
This was a slow process, but we never let up, nor did we give up. And we did file a grievance, but it had not been heard at the panel.
What I do know is that the subject was brought up at the national level and it was approved that automotive could move the handrails.
Now if they will just get back to us on the P500 issue.
Also, Tie, I know that you are in feeders, so you know that department well. Feeders get and deserve newer equipment. But so do the delivery drivers. And at the rate they are filtering into the system, it will be a very long time before we have new equipment nation wide.
As to the safety record of the P500, if it is not an issue, or it is really as safe as proclaimed by UPS, then why are they not forthcoming on the information that was requested?
I think that everyone knows why. They are, always have been, always will be very prone to fishtailing and then turning over. And in the wrecks here, if the car goes over, the injuries are more severe.
This whole thing also bothers me about the new P700's which only have a single wheel rear axle. That would seem to be going in the wrong direction.