If you haven't yet had a chance to visit the http://upsers.com web site you ought to take a moment to log in and look around. It is a great way to get info and seems to be developing into a comprehensive resource for UPS employees.
To log into the upsers.com site use the employee id from your paycheck and the following formula for your password:
The first two letters of your last name,the last two digits of your date of birth and the last two digits of your SSN
By the way, Brown Cafe is not affiliated with upsers.com in any way...
To log into the upsers.com site use the employee id from your paycheck and the following formula for your password:
The first two letters of your last name,the last two digits of your date of birth and the last two digits of your SSN
By the way, Brown Cafe is not affiliated with upsers.com in any way...