Valentine's Day

How does UPS go about delivering bouquet's of roses on the 14th? Are all deliveries delivered by air drivers? I hope that the bouquet's get to people's loved one's jobs safe and sound or there will be a lot of broken hearts.


Lunch is the best part of the day
Did you try and select a delivery date? I cant select sundays or mondays
Maybe if you select from the same day flowers the florist would deliver on sunday


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
I just checked delivery options for my local zip codes on 1800Flowers on the 14th and same-day local florist deliveries are all that's available. Looks like the there's no worries of working that day here. It's a shtit holiday anyway. Only exists to sell cards and junk.


Fight the power.
Gravy ass day. I'll be there for time and a half.

Who are you.....and where is my friend @Brownslave688 !