This doesn't really have any importance as such, other then the novelity of it.
During a break we were outside having a smoke with a couple of the other guys and a couple part time sups. The one sup mentioned that one of his guys was off a couple days and asked him to get a Doctors note to cover the days off.
Well the young guy brought a note in this evening from his mother stating that he was sick with the flu and couldn't work for a couple days.
The poor sup said it was all he could do to keep a straight face when handed the note. We all got a chuckle out of it, and thought it was definately original to say the least.
During a break we were outside having a smoke with a couple of the other guys and a couple part time sups. The one sup mentioned that one of his guys was off a couple days and asked him to get a Doctors note to cover the days off.
Well the young guy brought a note in this evening from his mother stating that he was sick with the flu and couldn't work for a couple days.
The poor sup said it was all he could do to keep a straight face when handed the note. We all got a chuckle out of it, and thought it was definately original to say the least.